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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Common Blood Pressure Medications For Stage 1 Hypertension

By Alvin Hopkinson

The National High Blood Pressure Education Program is an association that consist of professional, public, voluntary and federal agencies. This association has established guidelines with regards with the type of common blood pressure medication to be used to control your high blood pressure.

There a huge number of drugs available that are used as common blood pressure medications (Antihypertensives). Each of the different medication has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Below are the association guidelines for common blood pressure medications to be used. Bear in mind that the actual drug that your doctor prescribed might be different due to the complexity of individual situations.

If you have stage 1 high blood pressure (140/90 to 159/99)

If your systolic pressure (top number) ranges from 140 to 159 or your diastolic pressure (bottom number) ranges from 90 to 99, or both your top and bottom numbers are in this range; you have stage 1 hypertension.

Diuretics might be the first type of medication that your doctor might ask you to take. Diuretics are also called water pills. This drug works by getting rid of excess water and sodium from your body. This will effectively lower your blood pressure. This drug together with a move to a healthier lifestyle might be sufficient to control your blood pressure.

There are mainly three types of Diuretics available in the market. One of the first choices among the three is usually a thiazide diuretic. Thiazide diuretics are chosen over the other two as they usually have fewer side effects as compared. Moreover, they are able to prevent other conditions such as stroke and heart failure to a certain extent. High blood pressure can often result in such undesirable conditions.

Diuretic could be the only common blood medication that you need to take. However, under certain conditions, your doctor might recommend taking another medication. Complement your medication together with a healthy lifestyle in order to effectively control your high blood pressure.

Some of these choices include:

Calcium channel blockers: Stops calcium from entering both the heart and blood vessel muscle cells. This allows the cells to relax and thus lowering blood pressure.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors: These works by eliminating the production of a hormone that causes blood vessels to constrict. Thus, they keep the blood vessels relaxed.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers: Enlarges blood vessels by preventing a hormone called Angiotensin from affecting vessels.

Beta blockers: Lowers blood pressure by lowering the total amount of nerve signals going from the heart to the blood vessels.

Complementing one of the medications from the above list with Diuretic might be helpful in lowering your blood pressure at a faster rate. Thus, probability of developing complications from high blood pressure is lowered.

Another point is that by taking two medications instead of one might allow you to consume a lesser amount of each drug. This might work to reduce the side effects experience and could possibly allow you to lower costs. The choice of medication used in the combination depends on individual condition.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs an informational website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on medications such as Altace. To grab your FREE report on how to prevent and treat high blood pressure, make sure you visit Alvin's site at http://www.minusbloodpressure.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Hopkinson

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