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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Best Method Of Common Cold Prevention

By Loo Puay Kiong

People often wonder what the best method of common cold prevention is. Many mistakenly assume that they have to buy a whole slew of drugs and antibiotics to treat the malady a foolish premise, since antibiotics serve to kill bacteria, not viruses, and no drug has ever been proven to cure the common cold.

Others think that common cold prevention requires something more extreme, such as a complete lifestyle overhaul. And while no one in their right mind will deny that eating well and sleeping right can do wonders for overall health and well-being, it's far from the easiest method of prevention out there.

But is there a way to fight the common cold that is both easy and effective?
Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: read below.

One of the best ways to prevent the common cold that people tend to overlook is avoiding contact with those who suffer from the virus. Why do you think the common cold is more prevalent in people who spend most of their time in close quarters with one another? It's because the chances are much greater that these people will somehow pass the cold virus back and forth to each other once one of them becomes infected.

You can relax, though. This doesn't mean you have to avoid cold sufferers (much less healthy people) like a plague, so you don't have to run and duck for cover whenever your sick friend comes within 10 feet of you to say hello. All this means is that you have to be a bit more conscious when you're around those who are infected. That's the number one step to common cold prevention.

So what do you have to do when you're around them? For starters, you can ask them to carry a tissue or handkerchief along with them to avoid spreading germs, so that you don't have to carry on a conversation at a safe distance. You can easily inhale the cold virus after your friend coughs or sneezes, so he'd better have something to block his spray.

Also, think twice before sharing anything with him food, drinks, or that handkerchief he sneezed in since they are sure to be covered with germs that may put you on the fast track to infection. Washing your hands frequently would be a good idea as well, since the cold virus can be transferred through hand contact. And even if you refrain from touching your friend's hand, who's to say you won't get the virus on yours when he passes you your keys or he hands over the money he owes you?

This is also why you should keep your hands away from your nose, mouth, and eyes. These areas are most vulnerable to the cold virus, so infection becomes more and more likely with each scratch (nose), pick (teeth), and rub (eye).

And finally, never underestimate the common cold. Exposure to incredibly small doses of the virus is enough to cause infection. Stay vigilant!

While evasion may not be the best method of common cold prevention (that probably still belongs to building a strong immune system through living a healthy lifestyle), it's still one of the most effective ways to prevent the common cold. And compared to others, it's relatively easy too.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Loo_Puay_Kiong

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