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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Other Signs Of Breast Cancer And General Symptoms Of Cancer

By Suzanne Early

Other Signs Of Breast Cancer And General Symptoms Of Cancer

I know about breast lumps, nipple discharge and swollen lymph nodes, but there's more? Yes, I'm afraid so. Being proactive in breast cancer detection.I wanted to be aware of other general symptoms of cancer. This means I am more prepared. Are you?

Signs of breast cancer can be a red flag in your life. They are like an alarm bell ringing, meaning you must take notice. These bells can encourage you to seek help sooner rather than later. Some symptoms of cancer do not make themselves known until quite advanced, so it is important to tune in to your body and be aware. Increase your chances not only with breast cancer detection, but with all cancers. Early detection is key.

So What Are Some More General Symptoms Of Cancer To Be Aware Of?

Hot flushes, fever, sweating at nights, hot sweats, hot flashes and night sweats. Whatever you call them, they produce heat and wetness, causing discomfort and embarrassment.

Poor appetite, no appetite, or sensation of fullness. Struggling to eat your normal food portions? Reduced appetite? Lost interest?

Unexplained weight loss or unintentional weight loss. Weight comes off without trying.

Unexplained pain or discomfort. General aches and pains that you can't put down to anything in particular or that have developed and become worse.

Fatigue and tired with low energy. Hard to get the energy to do what you have always done effortlessly, or need more rest than usual.

No sleep, can't sleep, insomnia and not sleeping well. Lie awake at night with sleep insomnia? Different skin sensations or colour changes. Rashes, eczema, itchy skin and sensitivity, or changing of shape or size. Discolouration of moles, sores, or legions. You may have some bowel or bladder changes. Going more often, less often, changes to consistency, colour and frequency.

Found any lumps anywhere? Swelling, tenderness, or thickening. May or may not be painful.

Noticed unusual bleeding? Blood in urine or bowel movements.

Have any discharge? Weeping sores, wounds that will not heal, areas that ooze.

Developed any throat problems? Discomfort and difficulty swallowing or talking.

Have a cough? A tickle or dryness. May or may not be associated with throat issues, difficulty swallowing or talking.

Swollen lymph nodes, tenderness and discomfort in lymph node locations with lymph node pain.

Nipple discharge, a breast lump or swollen lymph nodes need not mean you have signs of breast cancer, or any other sort of cancer. Symptoms need to be considered before ruling out any routine or minor health issue. Have a chat to your medical professional about signs and symptoms you are concerned about. Seeking medical advice, asking questions and doing some research helps me to feel informed and in control. It is very empowering!

Wishing you the best of health.

Suzie is a passionate Adult Educator, encouraging women to be proactive in their breast health. She helps to educate women on the importance of being breast aware, so that they understand the signs of breast cancer and about breast self exam. Early detection is key. www.early-detection-for-breast-cancer.com/self-breast-exam.html , www.early-detection-for-breast-exam.com/breast-examination.html

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cervical Arthritis Attacks Upper Spine

By Rex Magnum

Cervical arthritis first develops in the upper spine and neck. As time passes, the condition may progress by spreading down the arms. The tendency to get this type of arthritis is influenced by age, spinal injuries, and poor posture. The cervical spine is made up of seven distinct vertebral bodies separated by intervertebral discs. These discs are responsible for support the neck and giving it flexibility.

When the Cervical Vertebrae Deteriorate

Over the years, the cartilage in your neck starts to deteriorate. This deteriorated cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber in your neck, allows the space between the vertebrae to begin gradually constricting. As the spine constricts, the person develops neck pain. This is very common in people over age 50, although everyone who has cartilage deterioration will not necessarily get cervical arthritis.

Most people develop cervical arthritis because of repeated trauma placed on the neck by job duties or recreational stress or possibly an old injury. You may hardly remember that neck injury you experienced back during your high school football days, but years later it may come back to haunt you. At the time in your life when your cervical vertebrae and discs start to degenerate, that old injury may pop back up and be serious enough to provoke cervical arthritis.

People who are experiencing any of the following symptoms should have themselves checked for cervical arthritis:

Chronic neck pains
Bony ridges across the vertebrae
Limited neck movement
Weak muscles
Tender neck muscles
Stiffness in the neck
Problems with balance

Your doctor will want to take some tests to determine if you have cervical arthritis and, if you do, how severe it is. He will order x-rays so that he can see any degeneration going on in your vertebrae. A myelogram will display the bone structure in your spine. An MRI will take clear pictures of the soft tissue in your spine. After all the tests are done, you may want to request that your results be looked at by an orthopedic surgeon, especially if you are having severe symptoms.

Cervical arthritis usually responds well to a combined treatment of drug therapy, rest, and exercise. Your doctor will recommend that you learn some new techniques in order to better rest your neck. You may also want to buy new pillows that give you more of the support you need. You will also probably benefit from a few sessions of physical therapy where you will learn gentle neck exercises and ways to improve your posture.

If your cervical arthritis becomes so severe that the treatments mentioned above are no longer helping, make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. He will know the best way to resolve your problem which at this point will most likely be through surgery.

If you enjoyed this informative article about Cervical Arthritis, then you may also want to learn more about Arthritis. If interested, just surf over to MYARTHRITISRELIEFCENTER.COM where some great articles are being presented.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Therapeutic Benefit of Manuka Honey in Wound Care

By Frank Buonanotte

Researchers have conducted extensive studies in order to take a closer look at how and why Manuka Honey is effective in healing wounds. The results are very interesting.

In comparing the use of Manuka Honey dressings with topical antiseptics on wound infections, it has been found that Manuka Honey dressings significantly reduce the amount of fluid exuding from the wound. This, in part, is a result of the anti-inflammatory properties present in Manuka Honey. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties in Manuka Honey also help to reduce pain and minimize scaring.

It has also been established that Manuka Honey dressings create a moist wound environment which facilitates the healing process. Manuka Honey draws lymph out of the deeper tissues of the wound by osmosis and continuously cleanses the wound bed. Lymph fluid contains enzymes that degrade protein molecules. The constant reduction of wound fluids remove foreign body contamination, such as dirt or grit.

The most likely explanation for Manuka Honey’s debriding activity involves the conversion of blood to plasmin, which is an enzyme that breaks down the protein in blood coagulation. This conversion minimizes dead tissue and scab formation on the wound. The osmotic action of Manuka honey draws moisture into the skin.

It has also been found that Manuka Honey has the ability to reduce malodor in wounds. Malodorous substances such as ammonia and sulphur compounds are produced when bacteria feeds on the protein in a wound. Because Manuka Honey provides bacteria an alternative source of energy (sugar), these noxious compounds are no longer produced and wound malodor is eliminated.

In clinical observations, Manuka Honey has also been proven to have the ability to manage wound infection in circumstances where antibiotics and other conventional treatments have failed. More specifically, Manuka Honey has been found to be effective against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) and other multi-resistant microorganisms. These mutated types of bacteria protect themselves from antimicrobial elements by forming a biofilm. Manuka Honey breaks down these clumpy biofilms as well as preventing the formation of biofilms. These findings are particularly encouraging, considering the growing number of cases involving Staph infections that don't respond to antibiotics. So far there has been no evidence of any bacterial resistance to Manuka Honey. It is highly unlikely that bacteria will ever be able to develop a resistance to Manuka Honey because bacteria rely on sugar as a source of food.

Manuka Honey's antibacterial properties are a result of the following:

1. The high sugar content and low water activity provides an osmotic action;

2. Acidic pH inhibits bacterial growth;

3. Glucose oxidase enzyme produces hydrogen peroxide;

4. Plant-derived factors such as UMF and Methylglyoxal.

Manuka Honey's antibacterial properties have the ability to penetrate below the surface of the skin, making it possible to clear deep-seated infections and boils with unbroken skin. In other words, Manuka Honey diffuses through the skin, getting to deeper tissues.

"The use of Manuka Honey dressings help prevent cross contamination," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of Honeymark International which is a manufacturer of advanced wound and skin care products containing Active Manuka Honey as a healing agent. "The sticky nature of Manuka Honey provides a protective barrier that prevents cross contamination."

For more information or to purchase Manuka Honey-based wound care dressings, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit www.HoneymarkProducts.com .

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Bleeding Ulcer Natural Cure - No Drugs Required

By Dr. James Chappell

Recently, I consulted with a gentleman in his late 50’s who had a bleeding ulcer. He had back pain and a lot on his mind. He saw the ads on television and decided to try ibuprofen, which he found relaxed him, so he took it every day for months. The bleeding ulcer was his wake-up call to the dangers of medication. Fortunately, we were able to help him with a natural cure that gave him a whole new level of vitality and well being.

Since back pain was one reason why my patient took ibuprofen, it was important to address this cause directly. He’d had back trouble for some time and had even had surgery to reduce a bulging disc and re-size one of the foramina in his lower back. As helpful as this surgery may appear in the short term, eventually, severe pain and disability return. Surgery does not get to the cause, it merely treats the effects of structural problems.

In this case, I suggested we examine the angle of his ankles relative to his pelvis as difficulties there can cause spinal problems - which is exactly what we found in this case. It was easy to adjust the ankle deviation using orthodics. In addition, I suggested he use an inversion device to relieve his entire spine of gravitational stress. These two measures caused his back pain to go away completely.

My patient also harbored a lot of anger, and was withdrawn and resentful. Instead of dealing with these issues, he was taking ibuprofen and putting his life in jeopardy. I taught him a simple process to release these toxic emotions so that he could recover his health. This will serve him and his loved ones for the rest of his life -- and it is free.

There is an important lesson here.

Bleeding ulcers are a serious health concern and yet they are actually a sign and signal pointing to deeper, long standing issues. Doctors who view bleeding ulcers as being caused by bacteria prescribe drugs to kill them. But in this case, the ulcer was caused by medication for a condition that originated in my patient’s ankles and mind - it had nothing to do with bacteria. In fact, from a natural cures perspective, the bacteria are never the cause. They are opportunistic pathogens that show up when the body is already out of balance.. They don’t fundamentally cause trouble -- they are part of the trouble’s effect.

Ulcers are found in about 15% of people who use drugs like Advil, Aleve, aspirin, and other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, or "NSAIDs", for 3 months or more. A majority of individuals with ulcers do not even know they have them because they do not experience any pain. According to hospital statistics, every time someone is admitted with a bleeding ulcer, they have a 10% chance of dying. Actually, my grandmother died from peritonitis originally caused by ulcers.

Fortunately, my patient decided to take a natural cure approach to his bleeding ulcer. He corrected a core structural issue with his body, and is addressing long-standing emotional attitudes that caused him to suffer. The result is an overall improvement in his vitality and health, including better relationships with his loved ones and a greater capacity to enjoy life.

This all-round elevation of a person’s well being is a hallmark of a natural cure. The side effects of natural cures are joy and fulfillment. This is in stark contrast to the results derived from misguided drug treatment.

Dr. James Chappell is known for his work with chronic, severe and supposedly terminally-ill people. His website is dedicated to providing clear self-help tools to enable people to take care of their health using natural means, no matter how sick they are. You can see it by clicking here: http://www.drjims-natural-cures.com His research into natural blood sugar regulators, and information about the product he formulated using them is here: http://www.drjims-natural-cures.com/diabetes-natural-cure.html

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lasik Eye Surgery - Finding The Right Surgeon

By John Carew

Improving your eyesight has become very popular in recent years, and following that, Orange County Lasik eye surgery is quickly turning into many residents’ choice of medical procedure they are going for in priorities. Eyesight problems like astigmatism and myopia have been increasingly common among individuals with the increase in usage of televisions and computers. With the advent of Lasik, these medical problems can quickly become a thing of the past.

However, one factor that has limited the take on rate of Lasik eye surgery in Orange County has been the cost of such a procedure. Having Lasik performed on your eyes does not come cheap in general for most people, as it could set a person back an amount from $500 to $2000 per eye. To improve your chances of having Lasik surgery without spending a fortune, choosing a good eye surgeon is critical to achieving that aim. There are certain things anyone should look out for in selecting a Lasik surgeon while trying to reduce the cost of the operation. It does not mean having to go for a less qualified doctor if you wish to save some money.

When you need cheap Lasik surgery but with a success rate that justifies the risk, selecting the right surgeon with the right requirements is the key. As with all medical procedures that you wish to undertake, always make sure that you have done your due diligence in researching on the subject and the various surgeons and eye centers available in your region. There are many laser eye surgery centers in Orange County, and they offer different qualities of service at different rates. Find the eye centers and Lasik surgeons that provide the specific Lasik procedure you require and make a comparison among them.

Ensure you know the risks that await you with Lasik surgery, and look for Lasik surgeons that have good track records and success rates. A good point to look out for when choosing the right surgeon to perform your procedure is to consider the kind of precautions and checks that he or she will ask that you go through before considering if Lasik surgery is right for you. While the medical solution can bring relief for many who suffer from various eye conditions, it is not suitable for everyone. If you carry certain conditions such as being pregnant, you should not have laser eye surgery. Surgeons who are considerate about their patients’ well being and medical history should be prioritized in your selection.

Everyone would prefer not to have to wear glasses or contact lenses, as it not only bring more convenience in one’s life, but also a fresher and better quality of life. Getting a qualified Lasik surgeon with a proven track record is therefore an important step in you enjoying a successful Lasik eye surgery and reaping the benefits. The process of selecting one might be tedious, but anything that concerns your health should be done with some caution and care. In doing so, the chances of you having better eyesight would be much higher at the end of the whole process.

John Carew is a medical journalist who covers Orange County Lasik eye surgery and is well versed in Lasik eye surgery Orange County.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Monday, June 9, 2008

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

By Peter Hutch

Hypertension is referred to as essential (primary) when the doctor is unable to identify a specific cause. It is by far the most common type of high blood pressure. The causes of this type are unknown but are likely to be a complex combination of genetic, environmental, and other factors.

High blood pressure is a 'risk factor' for developing a cardiovascular disease (such as a heart attack or stroke), and kidney damage, sometime in the future. If you have high blood pressure, over the years it may have a damaging effect to arteries and put a strain on your heart. In general, the higher your blood pressure, the greater the health risks. But, high blood pressure is just one of several possible risk factors for developing a cardiovascular disease.

If those temporary episodes occur frequently, they can cause just as much damage to your blood vessels, heart and kidneys as can chronic high blood pressure. In addition, when you have anxiety, you're more likely to resort to other unhealthy habits, such as smoking, drinking or overeating — which, in turn, can increase your risk of high blood pressure.

Even if high blood pressure does cause symptoms, the symptoms are usually mild and nonspecific (vague, or suggesting many different disorders).

Malignant hypertension may be associated with headache, light-headedness, or nausea.

Certain nerve impulses cause your arteries to dilate (become larger) or contract (become smaller). If these vessels are wide open, blood can flow through easily. If they're narrow, it's harder for the blood to flow through them, and the pressure inside them increases. Then high blood pressure may occur. When this happens, your heart becomes strained and blood vessels may become damaged. Changes in the vessels that supply blood to your kidneys and brain may cause these organs to be affected.

In 90–95 percent of cases, scientists don't know what causes high blood pressure. This is essential hypertension. Fortunately, although scientists don't fully understand the causes of this disease, they've developed both non-drug and drug treatments that treat it effectively. They've also identified some factors that contribute to higher blood pressure. These are arteriosclerosis (or hardening of the arteries), thickening or hypertrophy of the artery wall, and excess contraction of the arterioles (small arteries).

Essential hypertension affects approximately 75 million Americans, yet its basic causes or underlying defects are not always known. Nevertheless, certain associations have been recognized in people with essential hypertension. For example, essential hypertension develops only in groups or societies that have a fairly high intake of salt, exceeding 5.8 grams daily. In fact, salt intake may be a particularly important factor in relation to essential hypertension in several situations.

Hypertension is referred to as essential (primary) when the doctor is unable to identify a specific cause. It is by far the most common type of high blood pressure. The causes of this type are unknown but are likely to be a complex combination of genetic, environmental, and other factors.

The cause of high blood pressure often cannot be found in many teens with hypertension. When the cause is unknown, a person has what's called essential or primary hypertension. In cases where the cause of high blood pressure is known (called secondary hypertension), it is usually the result of kidney problems, hormonal disorders, abnormalities of the aorta (the main artery that carries oxygenated blood to the body), or a narrowing of certain smaller arteries. Most teens that are diagnosed with hypertension have essential hypertension.

Article Source: http://www.articles-hub.com/Article/216537.html

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Medical Tourism Statistics

By Mathew George

Medical Tourism Statistics:

Factors that have led to the increasing popularity of medical travel include the high cost of health care, long wait times for certain procedures, the ease and affordability of international travel, and improvements in both technology and standards of care in many countries.

Medical tourists can come from anywhere in the world, including Europe, the UK, Middle East, Japan, the United States, and Canada. This is because of their large populations, comparatively high wealth, the high expense of health care or lack of health care options locally, and increasingly high expectations of their populations with respect to health care.

A large draw to medical travel is convenience and speed. Countries that operate public health-care systems are often so taxed that it can take considerable time to get non-urgent medical care. The time spent waiting for a procedure such as a hip replacement can be a year or more in Britain and Canada; however, in Costa Rica, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Cuba, Colombia, Philippines or India, a patient could feasibly have an operation the day after their arrival. In Canada, the number of procedures in 2005 for which people were waiting was 782,936.

Additionally, patients are finding that insurance either does not cover orthopedic surgery (such as knee/hip replacement) or imposes unreasonable restrictions on the choice of the facility, surgeon, or prosthetics to be used. Medical tourism for knee/hip replacements has emerged as one of the more widely accepted procedures because of the lower cost and minimal difficulties associated with the traveling to/from the surgery. Colombia provides a knee replacement for about $5,000 USD, including all associated fees, such as FDA- approved prosthetics and hospital stay-over expenses. However, many clinics quote prices that are not all inclusive and include only the surgeon fees associated with the procedure.

According to an article by the University of Delaware publication, UDaily:

The cost of surgery in India, Thailand or South Africa can be one-tenth of what it is in the United States or Western Europe, and sometimes even less. A heart-valve replacement that would cost $200,000 or more in the US, for example, goes for $10,000 in India--and that includes round-trip airfare and a brief vacation package. Similarly, a metal-free dental bridge worth $5,500 in the US costs $500 in India, a knee replacement in Thailand with six days of physical therapy costs about one-fifth of what it would in the States, and Lasik eye surgery worth $3,700 in the US is available in many other countries for only $730. Cosmetic surgery savings are even greater: A full facelift that would cost $20,000 in the US runs about $1,250 in South Africa.

Medical Tourism Statistics:

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Drugs to Be Avoided During Pregnancy and Breast Feeding

By Ricky Hussey

Pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon in women. It is accompanied by changes in the body giving rise to certain abnormal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and discomfort. These symptoms are collectively called 'morning sickness' because of their greater frequency during morning hours. In pregnancy, except for certain vitamins (which are adequate in a good nutritious diet), no other drugs should be ordinarily given. However, if symptoms of morning sickness become unbearable, or there is some associated disease, drugs may become necessary. In recent years, information about possible adverse effects of drugs on pregnant women and her unborn baby (embryo or foetus) have been causing serious concern.

Till the early 1970s, there were no such problems in India because firstly, only very few drugs were available, and secondly, the pregnant woman enjoyed great emotional stability under the loving care of elders. In present times, the problem has become acute with the introduction of innumerable drugs and the woman's dual responsibility of working in and outside the home. She suffers from a lack of the much-needed physical and mental rest, and for every complaint, takes a pill or two to keep herself going.

Concern about the use of drugs during pregnancy started in 1961 in West Germany when an apparently innocent sedative, thalidomide, became popular among pregnant women. It caused Congenital deformities of the long bones of the limbs (arms and legs) in thousands of babies and had to be withdrawn. Concern about safe drugs for pregnant women was the only logical solution to the thalidomide disaster.

Since most of the drugs taken by a pregnant woman reach the unborn baby through the circulating blood, and our knowledge is based primarily on animal studies, it is best to minimize the use of drugs during pregnancy. If symptoms like vomiting due to pregnancy, or due to an associated disease become unbearable, and it becomes necessary to take medication, then at east the drugs listed at the end of this chapter should be avoided.

Drugs to Be Avoided During Pregnancy

Aspirin (Disprin): It is commonly used for headache, fever, and pain. Large doses, if taken during the first trimester, may cause physical defects in the developing foetus, while large doses, during the latter part of the pregnancy, may lead to a bleeding tendency in the newborn baby, prolong pregnancy and labour.

ACE-inhibitors (Captopril): Use of these drugs may cause underdevelopment of lungs, kidneys and other organs.

Bishydroxy­coumarin: This drug is an oral anticoagulant. lf taken during the last three weeks of pregnancy, it may cause a bleeding tendency in the newborn child, which may prove fatal.

Busulphan: It causes physical defects in the developing foetus during early pregnancy.

Carbimazole (& methimazole) : This is used in a hyper-functioning thyroid. It is best to stop this drug four weeks before the expected date of delivery as it may alter the activity of the thyroid in the newborn baby.

Chloramphenicol: It is used in typhoid. If taken during the last few weeks of pregnancy, foetus may die due to circulatory collapse or bone marrow depression.

Chloroquine: It is used in malaria. It may be responsible for permanent deafness and defects in vision in the newborn baby.

Clomiphene: This drug is used in cases of sterility to induce ovulation. It may cause multiple pregnancies and foetal malformations.

AdvCare is one of the leading Canada drugs websites. First established in January 2000, its mission is to become the number one site for ontario drug and prescription medication searches.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Friday, June 6, 2008

Know the Benefits of Plastic Surgery

By Peter Hutch

The benefits of cosmetic surgery don't stop at childhood, however, but are felt throughout any age group. “All the spirit is back in me again" (Stallings 97). Older or aging people have found an outlet in cosmetic surgery that psychologically makes them feel younger and more vibrant as they start to look better. “Improving their appearance may allow them to be accepted by a younger group or may vault them into a more meaningful life" Especially in the case of the elderly, a healthy appearance is sometimes the determining factor in whether they feel or are healthy.

The physical result of plastic surgery produces a healthier look and the ramifications are immense, as this healthy look will often permeate to the patient's entire lifestyle. People who have surgeries like liposuction and breast reduction usually feel more comfortable in their clothes, that their new bodies allow them to participate in physical activities that they wouldn't have considered before surgery. Plastic surgery can open new doors to people who have previously lived their lives sheltered. They find themselves participating in activities they never would have in the past such as swimming or aerobics, due to their renewed confidence.

Plastic surgery does not slow down the aging of the skin but may actually accelerate it. Therefore, plastic surgery is not a substitute for skin rejuvenation measures discussed in various articles at Smart Skin Care Site. Actually, after a plastic surgery you should be even more diligent in preserving your skin's youth.

“Plastic surgery patients are taking a proactive approach in making themselves happier by improving something that has truly bothered them,” said Bruce Freedman, MD, ASPS Member Surgeon and study author. “While we are not saying that cosmetic plastic surgery alone is responsible for the drop in patients needing antidepressants, it surely is an important factor.”

Everyone is different. Some people do much better than others, even when treated by the same plastic surgeon. It may take several weeks or months before your face fully recovers from plastic surgery. Plastic surgery might adversely affect the physiology of your skin and underlying tissues, speeding up the aging process.

The great thing about plastic surgery is that the benefits can be both physical and emotional, both external and internal. But the prevailing opinion is that plastic surgery and operations for instance to reduce breast size have little real health benefit and demand for them is based on vanity.

Whether a person chooses to undergo plastic surgery to improve their lifestyle or to improve their look there will always be emotional benefits when a person is finally able to feel comfortable in their body. Many people find that they are more outgoing, personable and confident when they become accustomed to their transformation and this heightened sense of self-esteem can be a benefit that lasts a lifetime.

Laser resurfacing is a non-invasive form of cosmetic surgery that does not require a hospital stay and can be preformed in a short amount of time. Basically the laser treats damaged areas on the skin by vaporizing superficial layers. This can help to soften wrinkles and lines, lessen the look of scars, smooth out skin pigmentation differences, remove pre-cancerous and benign growths and remove spider veins.

Article Source: http://www.articles-hub.com/Article/216530.html

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Safe and Natural Cures for Headache

By Peter Hutch

Headache is almost never located in the brain. There is actually not much ability at all to sense pain in the mass of the brain - surgeons do for instance not use anesthetics on the brain when they perform brain surgery. Headache is almost always located in the muscles of the head - caused by tension built up during long time in these muscles. You can perform a simple self-test by pressing with your fingers on certain locations on the head.

Check your posture - If you have poor posture while you are working you could have what are called 'tension headaches.' Being in the same positions for long periods of time can cause muscles to tighten up and become tense. Take short breaks and stretch your muscles. Stretching and relaxing can help to stop many headaches.

Kill the pain with pain killers. There are many over-the counter analgesics that are known to work for many forms of headaches. However, it is still best to consult a doctor first before choosing a pain reliever to get rid of your headache most especially if the problem persists for a very long time. It is best to work out with your doctor first what is truly causing the pain.

Another option is to get a bottle of magnesium citrate at the grocery store. It is in the pharmacy section and comes in a little green bottle. Take 5 ounces of the magnesium on an empty stomach and the headache will go away. The magnesium citrate is sold as a laxative however 5 ounces will not have this effect. Magnesium citrate hydrates the gut - it is not a true cathartic laxative. If you suffer from migrane headaches, try taking HTP6 and Iodine tabs daily. They help increase blood flow in the brain, relieving headaches. Always check with your family doctor before trying any home remedies.

Get a massage. Tension headaches, especially ones that come with pain that radiates through the neck and shoulders are extremely uncomfortable. A way to get of this headache is by getting some massage, especially on the scalp, neck and shoulder areas to release all the tension that have build up there.

Another thing that you can do is to get a bottle of magnesium citrate at the grocery store. It is in the pharmacy section and comes in a little green bottle. Cost is $1. Take 5 ounces of the magnesium on an empty stomach and the headache will go away. The magnesium citrate is sold as a laxative however 5 ounces will not have this effect. Magnesium citrate hydrates the gut - it is not a true cathartic laxative. If you suffer from migraine headaches, try taking HTP6 and Iodine tabs daily. They help increase blood flow in the brain, relieving headaches.

Anti-nausea medications. Since migraine attacks are often accompanied by nausea with or without vomiting, medication for treatment of these symptoms is appropriate and is usually combined with other medications. Frequently prescribed medications are metoclopramide (oral) or prochlorperazine (oral or rectal suppository).

Article Source: http://www.articles-hub.com/Article/216535.html

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dealing With Adult Dyslexia

By lescar8

In the US, dyslexia afflicts about 40 million adults and children. In some cases, the condition is not easily detected until screening is conducted. Surprisingly, adults at work aren't aware they have dyslexia, and if they do, they keep it a well-guarded secret.

It is hard to figure out if the employee who's behind his job in the workplace has dyslexia. No assistance can be forthcoming until the individual undergoes screening for dyslexia. Online screening and support offered by service providers can assist dyslexic adults cope at work.

Management should provide programs to help potential dyslexics with their jobs and reach their full potential. Helping dyslexics promote positive attitude towards work reduces stress, improves work efficiency, and fosters loyalty.

How To Explain Dyslexia

The neurological difference that affects a person's word processing ability is known as dyslexia. It's not an intellectual disability as it happens to people in various intelligence levels, including the very gifted such as Albert Einstein.

To help individuals become aware of their disorder, dyslexia screening is needed. Difficulty in spelling and reading, dismal concentration, restlessness, time management challenges, and dismal memory are a few symptoms of dyslexia.

Dyslexia have been defeated by a lot of individuals who now lead successful careers. A few examples are Thomas Edison, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo DaVinci, Tom Cruise, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jay Leno. This disability shouldn't hold back children and adults who have them.

Dyslexia's Diverse Kinds

There are various methods that are specially designed to help people overcome adult dyslexia. Adult dyslexics can conveniently and discreetly undergo online screening to determine the kind of method they require.

Dyslexia comes in two forms - developmental or acquired. Developmental dyslexia is described by a genetic abnormality in the brain area. Caused by injuries and brain trauma in birth is acquired dyslexia.

The level of dyslexia is also categorized according to the visuospatial difficulties, speech sound challenges, and correlating difficulties. Dyslexic adults can quickly figure out if they have any of these types with the presence of dyslexia screening on the Internet.

Dyslexia Treatment

Dyslexia has a cure. If a dyslexic starts to read, he is utilizing his brain differently. The fact that he has beated reading challenges shows that dyslexia can be treated. The dyslexic brain begins to work similar to those of non-dyslexics. Overcoming one problem and addressing the next have helped plenty of adult dyslexics function at work, even if it's a lengthy process.

Source: Free Articles

About the Author: Do you have a loved one with dyslexia? Have him or her undergo adult dyslexia screening. There are many an online adult dyslexia test that can help your loved one. Get a dyslexia test now from the experts. For more information, visit The-Dyslexia-Center.com.

Know the Causes of Kidney Stones

By Peter Hutch

Kidney stones (renal Lithia sis) are small, hard deposits of mineral and acid salts on the inner surfaces of your kidneys. Normally, the substances that make up kidney stones are diluted in the urine

Kidney stones (renal Lithia sis) are small, hard deposits of mineral and acid salts on the inner surfaces of your kidneys. Normally, the substances that make up kidney stones are diluted in the urine. When urine is concentrated, though, minerals may crystallize, stick together and solidify. The result is a kidney stone. Most kidney stones contain calcium.

Struvite stones (infection stones) are usually large and have a horn-like shape. They develop when there is too much ammonia in the urine. This can happen if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), because the bacteria that cause these infections can generate ammonia. This kind of kidney stone is most often found in women.

Cystine stones are yellow and crystalline. They develop if you have high levels of cystine in your urine, which happens if you have a hereditary disorder called cystinuria. Only one in a hundred kidney stones are caused by this condition. Cystine stones tend to develop earlier in life than other kidney stones, usually between the ages of 10 and 30 years.

Medical conditions. Many medical conditions can affect the normal balance and cause stones to form. Gout is one example. Also, people who have inflammatory bowel disease or who have had surgery on their intestines may not absorb fat from their intestines in a normal way. This changes the way the intestines process calcium and other minerals, and it may lead to kidney stones.

Problems in the way your system absorbs and eliminates calcium and other substances create the conditions for kidney stones to form. Sometimes, the underlying cause is an inherited metabolic disorder or kidney disease. Gout promotes specific types of kidney stones, as does inflammatory bowel disease. So do some drugs, including furosemide (Lasix), used in treating heart failure and high blood pressure; topiramate (Topamax), an anti-seizure drug; and indinavir (Crixivan), which is used to treat human immunodeficiency virus, the cause of AIDS.

Common sense has long held that consumption of too much calcium could promote the development of calcium kidney stones. However, current evidence suggests that the consumption of low-calcium diets is actually associated with a higher overall risk for the development of kidney stones. This is perhaps related to the role of calcium in binding ingested oxalate in the gastrointestinal tract. As the amount of calcium intake decreases, the amount of oxalate available for absorption into the bloodstream increases; this oxalate is then excreted in greater amounts into the urine by the kidneys. In the urine, oxalate is a very strong promoter of calcium oxalate precipitation, about 15 times stronger than calcium.

Kidney stones are mostly composed of calcium. However, a smaller number consist of uric acid or something called struvite. Kidney stones form due to an imbalance of water, calcium oxylate, uric acid, and phosphate that are usually present in the urine. Stones are also known to form when the pH of the urine is not normal or when normal mechanisms that protect the kidney's are inundated.

It is usually located in the flank or the side of the mid back and radiates to the groin. Those affected cannot find a comfortable position, and many writhe in pain.

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Source: http://www.articles-hub.com/Article/216533.html