By Richal Peyton
Acid reflux isn't life threatening but can progress overtime until it is severe. This is why prevention is better than a cure. After treatment, simply know what food to avoid with acid reflux. Continue reading this article to also find out what foods you can enjoy and how to maintain your health for life.
What To Avoid
Cases of acid reflux really vary from one person to the next. This article will tell you about every major food to avoid with acid reflux, however, it might be worthwhile keeping a diary so you know exactly what's best for your specific needs. Generally, you'll need to avoid high fat foods like fatty meats, high-fat dairy products, fried foods, and fast food. The problem here is the stomach has a hard time digesting fatty foods and so it secretes more acid. This results in the build-up of acid in your stomach, which eventually causes acid reflux.
Fruits and vegetables are extremely beneficial to everyone's health. But for those of us who suffer from acid reflux, things are a little different. We need to avoid citrus fruits like lemons and oranges, as they are considered acidic. Certain vegetables can also be acidic such as raw onions and tomatoes.
It is also good to use different kinds of spices while cooking, as these are known to have health benefits. Still, it is better to stay away from using chili peppers, as these can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. Pepper is actually used by some to treat acid reflux, but this is not good for those whose esophagus is already severely damaged by the condition.
Alcoholic beverages is another thing you should avoid if you have acid reflux. Alcoholic beverages like beer can double acidic production in your stomach within just an hour. Also try to stay away from sodas, caffeinated beverages and coffee.
What You Can Eat
It doesn't mean though that just because you have acid reflux, you can't enjoy food anymore. You may eat meat, but make sure it is not high in fat. For instance, you can eat skinless chicken breast, lean beef, and fish. Get enough protein and calcium from low-fat dairy products like soy cheese, sour cream, and fat-free cream cheese. Couple your food with grains like multi-grain bread, baked potato, broccoli, peas and brown rice. Enjoy some sweets every now and then with jellybeans, fat-free cookies and red licorice. Since eating smaller, more frequent meals is best for acid reflux sufferers, you may snack on bananas and fresh apples from time to time.
Doctors may recommend alkaline-rich food for people with acid reflux. These foods include blackberries, mushrooms, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, sprouted beans, and honey.
Extra Help
Be proactive and find other ways to improve treatment. Fiber is known to treat acid reflux symptoms and should therefore be part of your diet. You may get enough fiber from oatmeal or sprinkle a powdered fiber supplement over your food or drink.
It is true that there may be a lot of food to avoid with acid reflux, but your appetite doesn't have to suffer with the limited choices. There are thousands of recipes you can find online that are especially designed for those of us who have acid reflux. Before trying out any method though, consult your doctor first.
Know more about what food to avoid with acid reflux. Find your complete guide to natural cure for acid reflux online.
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
Food To Avoid With Acid Reflux - What You Should Know
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3:12 PM
Labels: Acid Reflux Disease
How to Save Money On Prescription Drugs
By Jason B. Cox
Prescription drugs are necessary, but often expensive - too expensive for most without insurance. If you need to save money on your monthly prescription bills, keep reading to learn 7 hot tips on how to save money on all your prescription drug purchases.
1. Buy generic.
Always ask your doctor or at the pharmacy if a generic brand of your prescribed drug is available. You can save up to 75 percent just by opting for the generic brand instead of the commercial brand. Because all drugs need to pass FDA standards, you're getting the same medicine with the same efficacy no matter what you pay.
2. Shop around.
When you purchase a prescription, pick up the phone and call a few pharmacies. You'll be amazed at the variance in prices between different pharmacies in your area. Once you find a good price, snatch it up.
3. Ask for discounts.
Whether you're a veteran, senior, AAA member or frequent shopper, there may be a discount for you. Look for discounts that can help save you hundreds of dollars on your monthly prescription costs.
4. Let your doctor know your financial concerns.
Your doctor may be able to prescribe a generic medication, offer suggestions on herbal alternatives or even opt for another course of treatment that may be more affordable. Remember, you have the right to be informed and engaged in your own health and health-affecting decisions.
5. Split that tablet.
If your doctor prescribes 50mg dosages of a particular tablet, ask about purchasing the 100mg tablets and then split them in half at home. You can save a lot of money this way because the price difference between 50mg and 100mg is almost negligible, and you can cut your prescription costs in half.
Because the delivery system or efficacy of some drugs can be affected when you cut them in half, like with gel caps, always consult with your pharmacist before you try this method.
6. Go mail order.
Because they don't have the high overhead costs associated with a bricks and mortar store and labor, many online or mail-order pharmacies offer drugs at discounted prices. Remember, always shop from a certified and reputable seller based in your own country.
7. Ask for samples.
If you just need a small or limited dosage, don't be afraid to ask your doctor or pharmacist for samples. These are free samples given to them by the dug company, and they can save you some of the expense of having to purchase.
For information on practical money saving tips, please visit, a popular site providing great insights concerning savings ideas, such as student debt help, prepaid credit cards for teenagers, and many more!
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2:49 PM
Labels: Prescription Drugs
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Preventing Blood Clots
By Sharon Rowe
What is Lovenox? How does it work? How do I administer it and why am I taking it? These are just a few of the questions asked when a patient is first started on Lovenox.
What is Lovenox? - Lovenox is a subcutaneous (skin tissue) injection given primarily in the abdominal area to prevent clots from developing in the blood. It also has to be pointed out that Heparin and Lovenox are not the same. As we all know Heparin has been in the news quite a bit lately from fatal and near fatal doses being mistakenly administered in the hospital setting. Lovenox (Enoxaparin Sodium Injection) is a very low molecular weight Heparin fragment, so low that Lovenox treatments cannot be monitored in the same way as Heparin. So PT or PTT lab draws are not indicated during Lovenox therapy as they are for a patient taking Heparin.
How does Lovenox work? - Lovenox is an Anti -Thrombotic drug. It prevents blood clots from developing and traveling to the lungs that could possibly cause serious and sometimes fatal injuries. When the body sustains an injury it causes blood proteins or clotting factors to work together. Lovenox slows down the formation of blood clots in your body by reducing the clotting factor in your blood.
How do I administer Lovenox? - Lovenox is administered into the abdomen (tummy) to induce quick absorption into your system. The injection is given via a tiny subcutaneous needle. Never give Lovenox intramuscular (in the muscle) or directly in the naval it could reduce absorption.
Before injecting Lovenox choose your site. A good suggestion would be to start counter clockwise and work your way around starting from the inner abdomen (Be sure to clean the injection site with alcohol before you start). Once your injections have circled completely around your tummy (starting from the inside) come outside the previous injection area about one inch and start again. The tummy is a large area so think of your injection sites as a spiral outward. Once you have covered the entire tummy area it's safe to start over from the inner tummy. (Always document your injection site).
Why am I taking Lovenox? - Lovenox is given primarily to prevent blood clots. Conditions that make people more susceptible to clots include bed bound patients who are immobile because of a medical condition. People undergoing orthopedic surgery of the hip and knee. Also included are hereditary thrombophilia, pregnancy, inflammation and advanced age.
Lovenox Tips
Lovenox may be stored at room temperature. (15 to 25 degrees Celsius) Keep Lovenox away from heat.
Discard after thirty days.
Do not expel air bubble prior to injection unless a dosage adjustment is needed, in which case it would be necessary to dispel the air.
Never rub site after injection. Doing so could cause bruising.
Always document your injection sites.
For information on lovenox injection logs visit
Sharon Rowe has been a registered nurse for over ten years. She presently operates her own online health form business. She noticed during her years in nursing the growing need for a development of health forms to be used primarily for in home use. Visit her at
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10:24 PM
Labels: Blood Clots, Lovenox
Shedding Light on Lupus
By Sharon A Bell
Lupus is a disease that attacks thousands of Americans yearly. Most of its victims are women of childbearing age.
"Lupus occurs more frequently in women than it does in men, though it isn't clear why. Four types of lupus exist - systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), discoid lupus erythematosus, drug-induced lupus erythematosus and neonatal lupus. Of these, SLE is the most common and serious form of lupus," said the Mayo Clinic.
The cause of SLE is unknown. Some say lupus is triggered by medication or a virus that lies dormant in the body until it is activated by sunlight, physical or mental stress, streptococcal or viral infections, pregnancy or certain chemicals.
"Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that instead of just attacking foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses, your immune system also turns against healthy tissue. This leads to inflammation and damage to various parts of the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels and brain," explained the Mayo Clinic.
The symptoms of SLE vary and include the following: non-deforming arthritis (pain and stiffness in the joints, especially the hands and feet), facial erythema (a butterfly-shaped rash that spreads across the nose and cheeks), sensitivity to light, oral or nasopharyngeal ulcerations, Raynaud's phenomenon (fingers or toes that turn white or blue when exposed to cold or during stressful periods), shortness of breath, chest pain, anxiety, depression and memory loss.
"Drug-induced lupus results from the long-term use of certain prescription drugs. Although many medications can potentially trigger lupus, examples of drugs most clearly linked with the disease include the antipsychotic chlorpromazine, high blood pressure medications such as hydralazine, the tuberculosis drug isoniazid and the heart medication procainamide, among others. It usually takes several months or years of therapy with these drugs before symptoms appear, and even then, only a small percentage of people will ever develop lupus," revealed the Mayo Clinic.
Untreated, the inflammation caused by lupus can affect many parts of the body, damaging the blood vessels, kidneys, lungs, heart and bones.
About 50 percent of patients develop cardiopulmonary abnormalities like pericarditis and dyspnea (shortness of breath). Other complications are myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), endocarditis (inflammation of the valves or lining membrane of the heart) and pneumonitis (inflammation of the lungs). Lupus can also affect the central nervous system and lead to emotional instability, psychoses, irritability and depression.
There is no way to prevent lupus but many drugs can relieve its symptoms. Treatment depends on the signs and symptoms. See a good doctor who will explain the advantages and risks of these drugs.
To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system. For details, visit
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine
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10:11 PM
Labels: Lupus
Sunday, March 16, 2008
What To Look For In An Online Pharmacy
By Jennifer L Loganathan
There is an increase of people that cannot make it to a traditional brick and mortar pharmacy to get their medicine. Either they are bedridden or don't have reliable help to do it for them.
So what can you do if your faced with this dilemma?
The emergence of online pharmacies continues to grow. These places are trying to go where brick and mortar pharmacies cannot. Online pharmacies are striving to fill the medical needs of those who cannot get around.
Online pharmacies that lower prices and quick delivery as incentives to purchase medications from them. More and more people are looking to these venues as a way to get their medications. It is so easy for many to get online and order what they need.
Of course, these online ventures are not without their disadvantages. There are people setting up shop who are not licensed as pharmacists or doctors. The main purpose is to make a quick buck and get a piece of the pie. This can be dangerous because one might make the mistake of having the wrong medication delivered to someone.
The result of this can have someone seriously ill or worse, succumb from the effects of taking the incorrect medication. It's important that people who order medication from online pharmacies select their online location carefully and with scrutiny.
There are ways that people can find out whether an online pharmacy is legal or not. If you purchase medication without checking it out first, you put yourself in harm's way for receiving fake medication. The ethics for an online pharmacy involved in this are very low. All they want is the money.
When you buy medication from a real online pharmacy, you are assured of the best quality and service money can buy. You can also receive additional information on the medication you purchase if the online venue is legal. Legitimate online pharmacies have to abide by the rules set in place to maintain standards in the medical community.
Legitimate online pharmacies will be licensed and/or certified to operate as such. The license and/or certification will come from the persons in charge or verifying their legitimacy. If the online pharmacy is real, they will have documentation or narrative stating such on their website. They will also have a link to the people in charge of verifying them to do business online.
Customers should look for this prior to placing their order online. If they don't find it, they should ask questions and refrain from purchasing anything until you find out if they're legitimate or not.
The online pharmacy should also have contact information listed on their website. The contact information should include a physical address in the event someone wants to send them a letter via snail mail. In addition to that, there should also be a working phone number listed in case a customer or someone else wanted to call. If the online pharmacy is legitimate, they would not hesitate having this information listed on their website. If they want to stay in business, these online venues will be glad to take inquiries from customers.
Online pharmacies should have a valid prescription to go by to fill the order. The order should not be filled without one. Just like patients can't go up to a pharmacist and say, "I want to get this drug" but yet don't have a prescription, the same applies for online pharmacies. If you find any that engage in that kind of breach of ethics, steer clear and you should probably report them to the proper authorities.
Beware of those online pharmacies that promise quick results or magic cures from serious health issues. These are nothing more than a scam and should be avoided at all costs.
If after all of this, you're still in doubt about online pharmacies, consult with you physician before buying medication online.
Jennifer Loganathan is the President and CEO of Stradafee Limited. Stradafee is an electronic payments company as well as an eCommerce and Internet merchant account provider. Merchant accounts make it possible for businesses to provide online credit card processing For more information on credit card processing visit
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4:44 PM
Labels: Online Pharmacy
Muscular Dystrophy - What is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?
By Hilary Basile
Muscular dystrophy is an inherited disease. Different muscular dystrophies follow various inheritance patterns.
The best-known type, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), is inherited in an X-linked recessive pattern, meaning that the mutated gene that causes the disorder is located on the X chromosome, one of the two sex chromosomes, and is thus considered sex-linked. In males (who have only one X chromosome) one altered copy of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the condition. In females (who have two X chromosomes) a mutation must generally be present in both copies of the gene to cause the disorder. This condition is much more common in males than in females.
A characteristic of X-linked inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons. In about two thirds of DMD cases, an affected male inherits the mutation from a mother who carries one altered copy of the DMD gene. The other one-third of cases probably results from new mutations in the gene. Females who carry one copy of a DMD mutation may have some signs and symptoms related to the condition (such as muscle weakness and cramping), but these are typically milder than the signs and symptoms seen in affected males.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the most severe form of dystrophinopathy. DMD is due to a genetic deficiency of the protein dystrophin. It is the most common form of muscular dystrophy that affects children. It is more common in young boys between the ages of 2 and 5. Signs and symptoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy may include:
· Frequent falls
· Large calf muscles
· getting up from a lying or sitting position
· Weakness in lower leg muscles, resulting in difficulty running and jumping
· Waddling gait
· Mild mental retardation (in some cases)
Duchenne muscular dystrophy first affects the muscles of the pelvis, upper arms and upper legs. By late childhood, most children with DMD are unable to walk. Most die by their late teens or early 20s, often from pneumonia, respiratory muscle weakness or cardiac complications. Some people with DMD may exhibit curvature of their spine (scoliosis).
Hilary Basile is a writer for, you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life's major events. Whether you're planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you'll find answers to your questions at
Find information on the causes and risk factors of muscular dystrophy, symptoms and types of muscular dystrophy, diagnosing muscular dystrophy, and treatment and care of muscular dystrophy at
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4:41 PM
Labels: Muscular Dystrophy
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
LASIK and the Dry Eye Revisited
By Jay Stockman
The many benefits of LASIK are obvious, vision without glasses, however several side affects must always be considered prior to surgery. One of the most significant, and bothersome is Dry Eyes. Most individuals that undergo the procedure will experience at least some dryness, yet others will be greatly affected.
There has been a great deal of research, and clinical trials performed in an effort to determine the exact cause of the post operative dry eye, but the specific etiology has yet to be determined. One such theory is the Neural Feedback Loop Theory. This theory suggests that the disruption in the corneal nerve fibers; as a result of the flap creation and stoma layer ablation decreases corneal sensitivity. Consequently there is a decreased blink rate leading to an increase in tear film evaporation; thus the eyes become dryer. Clinical trials have shown that this anomaly corrects itself in most, but not all individuals.
The second theory is Goblet Cell Damage. Goblet cells manufacture the mucin layer in tears preventing tear film evaporation. Microkeratome pressure on the cornea during flap creation can damage conjunctiva Goblet cells resulting in an unstable tear mucin layer. An unstable tear mucin layer will cause the tears to evaporate quick and leave the exposed cornea dry.
Next theory is the Change in Corneal Curvature. Changing the corneal curvature is required to alter one’s prescription, but also affects how the tear film overlays the cornea. This change causes an iron stained epithelium, resulting in a very dry eye.
In all cases, osmolarity changes because of the decreased blink rate results in damage to the cornea called Keratopathy. These are the most widely accepted theories on why eyes become dry following LASIK. It should be noted that dryness rates are much lower for PRK because there is no flap creation and many of these factors do not exist with that procedure.
Extensive dry eye testing should be performed prior to LASIK to determine if there is an underlying dry eye condition. Some routine tests that must be done are Tear film evaluation, Schirmer test, Lissamine green staining, tear meniscus height measurement, Phenol red thread testing and Fluorescein staining. While all of these need not be done, some must be performed because the surgeon must know not only if there is a dry eye condition, but how bad it is.
In cases where there is an existing dry eye, preoperative treatment can be done. The use of artificial tears, and in more serious cases, Cyclosporin commonly known as Restasis can be prescribed prior to surgery. In addition, topical steroids can also be employed to help re-mediate the condition.
During the procedure the surgeon can also lessen the dry eye affect by creating the flap with a nasal hinge instead of a superior one. This appears to cause less dryness since only one side of the nerve is severed, while with the superior hinge both sides are cut; this affects corneal sensitivity. Some studies have not supported this theory while others do. The method of flap creation is a much greater factor. The microkeratome definitely creates more damage to the corneal nerves and thus dryer eyes. The better alternative is flap creation with the femtosecond laser commonly called Intralase. Corneal tissue disruption is much less and corneal sensation returns much faster.
Post operative dryness can be dealt with most commonly with artificial tears. The best of which is Celluvisc. Restasis is also often employed, but must be used for at least 3-6 months to be affective. Inserting a collagen plug in the area of the lid where tears drain is also used in extreme cases to retain tear volume in the eyes.
In summation, extreme dry eye patients should carefully consider, and discuss with their surgeon whether LASIK is appropriate, and all refractive surgery patients must be prepared to suffer from dry eyes post operatively for at least several months and perhaps even longer.
Dr. Jay B Stockman is a practicing doctor for, and a contributing expert for
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2:18 AM
Labels: Dry Eye, LASIK, LASIK Eye Surgery
Just What is Glaucoma and What Are the Symptoms?
By David Cowley
You may already know that glaucoma is a disease of the eye that is very serious, but if you're unsure of just what the disease actually is and what the symptoms are to look for, you're not alone. As serious as this eye disease is, many people simply are unaware of the symptoms or even what it means to have glaucoma. Since it is something that can lead to loss of peripheral vision and even blindness, and since about 1 in 200 people under the age of fifty and 1 in 10 over the age of eighty actually get this disease, it's a good idea to learn more about it.
To better understand the disease of glaucoma, we do well to think about how the eye is structured in the first place. Behind the actual eyeball that we can see is a series of nerves that translate the light we take in through the eye into electrical impulses that then travel to the brain. The brain descrambles these impulses and reads them as sight. These nerves are as important to sight as the eyeball itself. Remember, all of our senses actually function in the brain; our eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin only act as receptors for the signals that travel along the nerve pathways to be translated into sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. Just like a deaf person can have two perfectly good ears, damage to the nerve cells behind any of our sensory organs can result in a loss of that particular sense. The word glaucoma is applied to a wide range of diseases that affect these nerve endings behind the eyeball itself.
Typically the disease is brought on by continued pressure on the nerve, but this pressure itself is no exact indication of who exactly will eventually contract glaucoma and who will not. Some seem to be very sensitive to this nerve pressure while others seem to have a high tolerance level for it. So, this pressure itself is not an exact indication of contracting glaucoma or not.
The fluid in the eye is called aqueous humor and drains out of the eye through a network of drainage tissue between the iris and the cornea. In people with glaucoma this drainage tissue becomes blocked and fluid is replaced faster that it can be drained. This caused pressure to build up in the eye causing the blood vessels that nourish the eye with essential nutrients and oxygen to become constricted which cause the nerve fibers to die.
When left untreated, any form of glaucoma will lead to permanent damage of these optic nerves which will in turn lead to blindness. Typically this starts with a minor loss of peripheral vision but can lead to permanent cloudiness of vision. Unfortunately, glaucoma can develop slowly over several years so that the patient is unaware that he or she even has the disease until it cannot be corrected.
It's important to get regular eye exams even if you don't have problems with your vision. Your optometrist can give your eyes a thorough exam and be aware of any symptoms of the onset of glaucoma. This condition can typically be treated with medication before blindness sets in or permanent damage is done, so it's good to be vigilant about eye exams.
Common vitamins and over the counter products can help with glaucoma such as Vitamin C, Ginkgo, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Beta Carotene, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Multiple Mineral, Herbal Diuretic.
Vitamin C has been shown to dramatically reduce the intaocular pressure in patients suffering from glaucoma.
Ginkgo is needed for the proper functioning of the vascular system and improves blood circulation to the brain.
Vitamin A is important for the proper development of the eyes.
Vitamin D plays an important in nerve and muscle function.
Beta Carotene helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation and the body converts beta carotene into vitamin A.
Vitamin B is needed for healthy blood vessels and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin E promotes the healing process of the body.
Multiple Mineral are required for healthy bones, teeth, muscles, blood and nerve cells.
There are several Herbal Diuretic on the market that will help the body to reduce excess body fluids.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
David Cowley has created numerous articles about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. Visit Health Related Articles
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2:14 AM
Labels: Eye Disease, Glaucoma
Red Yeast Rice Warnings
By Akbar Williams
With so many people suffering from high cholesterol, there are always people looking for different methods to reduce it. The easiest way to accomplish this is by having a good diet and doing proper exercise. This is usually not enough and there are people who use prescribed medication to control this. These drugs often can do more harm than they do good. As a result of this more people are looking at natural supplements such as Red yeast rice to control their cholesterol; this however comes with its own warnings. This article will focus on the typical warnings that are associated with the use of this product.
Red yeast rice is a natural supplement that is created by fermenting a specific type of rice. The rice contains naturally-occurring substances called monacolins. Monacolins are known the stop the synthesis of cholesterol by blocking its production in the liver. There are many types of cholesterol drugs that contain Lovastatin. This ingredient is also contained in the supplement. This makes it highly effective at reducing or controlling this condition.
Taking the red yeast rice supplement does have some warnings. These should be noted carefully before the supplement is taken. If you plan on taking the supplement, you should ensure that you are not pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant or nursing. If you have serious health problems such as liver, kidney problems, high blood pressure or blood vessel disease then you should consult a doctor before taking it.
Another set of warnings that should be noted is related to serious health issues. Red yeast rice is known as a cholesterol reducer, it has the same effects as some of the medications that are used to treat this condition. It also carries some of the side effects such as the destruction of muscle tissue and kidney failure. When taking Red yeast rice you should be extremely careful. If you experience muscle weakness, muscle pain, muscle tenderness, fever, flu or have dark colored urine while taking this medicine, then you should go and consult a doctor immediately. These symptoms are not very common, but you should always be careful when taking any form of medication or supplement.
Red Yeast Rice visit the website if you want more information on the supplement. The author, Akbar Williams, has interests in different topics and you can find more great articles like Testosterone and Hydroquinone.
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12:55 AM
Labels: natural medicine, Natural Remedies, Red Yeast Rice
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Treatment for Vulvodynia - Complete Cure
By Juliet Cohen
Vulvodynia is a gynecological disease often characterized by itching, inflammation, or stinging sensation at the vulva around the opening of the vagina. Also known as vulvar dysesthesia, this chronic painful ailment is frequently faced by numerous women throughout the world. Although there is no single cure for this troublesome disease, doctors often employ different approaches to find the right treatment for vulvodynia by trial and error. Doctors perform a number of tests to diagnose vulvodynia properly. Through a physical examination the vulvar area is carefully investigated to ensure that the patient did not get any sexually transmitted disease. A Q-tip test is performed afterwards in order to find the painful area. A biopsy and colposcopy is done to examine the vaginal area to detect any bacterial infection.
Patients of this disease mainly experience a constant or intermittent painful sensation at their vulvar region which could be unprovoked or might also occur under some physical provocation such as attempted vaginal penetration during sexual intercourse. However, the vulva and vagina usually do not show any sign of infection or any other abnormalities under gynecological or dermatological evaluation, even though a sore or an area of redness might be visible at the affected region. Unfortunately, many doctors fail to recognize the conditions of this disease and wrongly suggest the patients to see counselor for their psychological problem. Therefore a careful diagnosis is quite important for the detection of vulvodynia.
It is believed that vulvodynia is often caused by viral infection due to human papilloma virus, bacterial proliferation, and yeast infection. By examining you condition doctors might prescribe specific oral treatment for vulvodynia. However, one has to be careful about the selection of the drug. For instance, some antibacterial drugs could worsen your yeast infection by destroying the friendly bacteria. Surgical technique for vulvodynia is considered as the last resort for getting rid of this life-disrupting disease. Surgical therapy mainly involves the complete elimination of major as well as minor vestibular glands. Recovery from surgery takes about 6 to 8 weeks and it has been found that almost 60 to 75% of women could undergo painless copulation. Although some doctors prefer laser surgery for treating this syndrome, however, this surgical method is not effective enough and in 1997, National Institute of Health in the United States has recommended in a symposium that laser surgery should not be used for treating vulvodynia patients.
Juliet Cohen writes articles for Acne Treatment. She also writes articles for Blackheads and Acne Home Remedies.
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3:49 PM
Labels: Gynecological Disease, Treatment for Vulvodynia, Vulvodynia
Some Tips on Dealing with Acid Reflux Disease
By Joe Rizal
Acid reflux disease may last for several weeks for some. The discomfort could be treated by some only as an inconvenience, and taken for granted, since it is "only a recurring case of heartburn." This ailment is easily distinguishable because, for some, this becomes a common recurrence, and could just come as a minor discomfort. However, acid reflux disease, especially in cases where this has been chronic for years, could lead to severe complications that sometimes may be fatal.
Millions of Americans suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD everyday. This type of ailment could afflict people of all ages (even infants) and regardless of gender. This occurs when stomach acid refluxes upwards towards the esophagus and causes heartburn, that burning sensation in the chest and throat that could easily be mistaken as a cardiac condition.
Physicians ascribe this condition to the failure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) from properly closing to prevent the stomach acid from regurgitating back to the throat. Another physiological abnormality that could cause acid reflux disease is hiatal hernia where the top part of the stomach is not properly blocked by the diaphragm and it goes up to the lower opening of the esophagus.
Constant contact of the tender cells lining the esophagus to stomach acid could irritate and could severely damage this part of the human body. If left untreated, this could lead to esophagitis or inflammation of the esophagus. If, despite of this worsened condition, nothing is still done to address this problem, it could lead to pre-cancer or esophageal cancer. Now, people who succumb to this must have neglected the above symptoms and treated those as "only a recurring case of heartburn."
The best way to deal with acid reflux disease, especially if it is a recurring or chronic case, is to immediately consult a doctor. Mostly recommended by physicians for heartburn would be a change in diet and some lifestyle changes (major ones for those who drink, smoke and coffee junkies).
Dietary recommendations would include avoiding foods that are high in fat content-these are the fried foods, etc. Bad news for fastfood (burger, fries, hotdog, etc.) lovers. Carbonated beverages, acidic fruits and juices, tomato-based foods (bad news for pizza and spaghetti lovers), spices like peppers and some types of berries are also listed as foods to refrain from, as much as possible.
More foods to avoid are coffee (decaf or regular) caffeinated tea, whole milk, and chocolate. While it is true that most food junkies would cry "foul!" and "What would I eat then?" with this list, it would only come down to the choice of living a long and healthy life or choosing to enjoy these foods for the price of your health.
Lifestyle changes would include losing weight as a large tummy would put more pressure on your stomach making it easy to push up the stomach acid to your throat. Less tight clothings, no late night snacks, no splurging on heavy meals, no smoking and minimal drinking only are more of the recommendations to relieve or completely your eliminate acid reflux disease.
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3:48 PM
Labels: Acid Reflux Disease
Honey is the Solution for Infected Wounds
By Frank Buonanotte
The healing properties of honey have been known since Pythagoras’ time. Now, scientists believe that one particular type of honey called, Manuka Honey, has antibacterial properties that can be used to treat everything from infected wounds to eczema. The buzz about Manuka Honey's healing power is growing. Once regarded as a home remedy, Manuka Honey is increasingly being used to treat everything from ringworm to arthritis. Made by bees that collect pollen from the manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium) which grows wild in New Zealand, Manuka Honey has been found to effectively treat wounds and skin ulcers that have failed to respond to standard medicine.
Manuka Honey not only clears infection and helps tissue healing process but it has also been found in clinical studies to reduce inflammation and scarring. Its healing properties appear to be due to the presence of the enzyme glucose oxidase, which produces hydrogen peroxide (a known antiseptic) in a slow-release manner. Manuka Honey's high sugar concentration inhibits bacterial growth.
Manuka Honey has an additional antibacterial component in it that other types of honey do now have. This antibacterial component has become known as the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF). The number of the UMF rating is equivalent to the percentage of a standard antiseptic. For example, Manuka Honey with a UMF rating of 10+ is about the equivalent to a 10% solution of a standard antiseptic. Scientists report that Manuka Honey with a UMF rating of less than 10+ does not have any medicinal value.
Scientists have discovered that Manuka Honey has an 85% success rate for the treatment of infected postoperative Caesarean sections and hysterectomy wounds, compared to conventional treatments which had only a 50% success rate for routine treatments.
Because of its amazing healing properties, Manuka Honey is now being used as a main ingredient in health care products. Honeymark International is one manufacturer that is utilizing Manuka Honey as a healing agent. "Manuka Honey is so powerful that it is actually destroying antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria such as MRSA," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of Honeymark International. "Our First Aid Antiseptic Lotion with Manuka Honey has been successful in healing staph infections where nothing else worked." Honeymark also has other Manuka Honey-based products that are effective in treating dermatitis, fungal conditions and pain.
For more information or to purchase Manuka Honey products by Honeymark, call 1-866-427-7329 or visit
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2:40 PM
Labels: Honey's Healing, Infected Wounds